07 June 2022

Important update on the venue

If you use Google Maps to find your way to the conference venue, you must be sure to use this link:

Do not try to search for the address yourself. The search may lead you to a wrong NTUA campus area in an other area of Athens.

Also follow the pictures on page 2 and 3 in the pdf with practical information (see news from 11 May below to find the pdf) to find where on campus the conference takes place.

The most convenient is to use the metro connection (blue line/Line 3) until KATECHAKI station if you wish to go straight to the conference venue. See a metro map here: https://athensmap360.com/athens-metro-map

11 May 2022 – edited 3 June 2022

Conference programme and practical information

Find the programme for the 2022 annual ENOHE conference in Athens and practical information about the conference below.

Download PDF with practical information

12 April 2022

Timetable, registration, etc.

17th annual ENOHE conference 7-10 June 2022 in Athens, Greece
Students’ Rights and Ombuds’ Values: Ensuring Inclusion in Higher Education

We are excited that our first in-person conference since 2019 is scheduled for June 2022, kindly hosted by National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in Athens, Greece.  The full programme will be available soon, but we can give details now of the overall timetable, registration, and some of the sessions on offer. 

Tuesday 7 June 2022, 10.00 – 16.00

Pre-conference workshop:
Investigation skills for complaint handlers and ombudspeople

This interactive workshop will take participants through a ‘typical’ (and fictional!) student complaint, from its initial presentation to its resolution.  How do we set about investigating it?  What do we take into consideration?  Even if we don’t uphold the complaint, what can we learn from it for the future?

Free for ENOHE members (including refreshments and lunch)
Cost for non-members (to include refreshments and lunch) €45

Wednesday 8 June (start time 09.30), Thursday 9 June and Friday 10 June (end time 16.00)

Students’ Rights and Ombuds’ Values: Ensuring Inclusion in Higher Education

The 2022 ENOHE conference will include a mix of plenary sessions and working sessions in a variety of formats. There will also be keynote speeches on relevant topics in the world of higher education. Plenary speakers confirmed to date include:

There will also be opening speeches by high-ranking representatives of the Greek Ministry of Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and of the European Commission.

Working sessions cover a diverse range of topics highly relevant to our varied roles, with speakers from around the world; some session titles are included below.

ENOHE Information Session and ENOHE General Assembly

For all conference participants there will be a short information session with a news update on what is going on within ENOHE, including the ENOHE 2021-2025 five years’ strategic plan and the ENOHE 2022 working plan included.

For ENOHE members there will be a General Assembly held on the first conference day (Wednesday) right after the end of the working sessions. Agenda and more detailed documents will be made available in due time before the meeting.

Social programme

The gala dinner on Thursday evening is included in the conference fee. It will be open to guests/partners at additional cost of €50.

Costs and booking arrangements

The conference fee is €200 for ENOHE members, €290 for non-members.  The conference fee includes conference materials, access to all conference rooms (including WIFI) during all conference days, refreshments during the conference breaks, daily lunch break, and the gala dinner on Thursday night.

The pre-conference day on Tuesday is free for ENOHE members and costs €45 for non-members.

Not yet a member?  For information on the benefits of joining ENOHE, including access to the discounted conference fee and much more, see here.

Hotel accommodation in Athens is busy during the summer months and early booking is recommended.  To help you find a hotel well connected to the conference venue, here is our information on the venue:

Venue: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Zografou Campus, Building of the Central Library

Address: Iroon Polytechniou 9, 15780 Zografos, Athens

Nearest metro station: Katechaki, blue line, no. 3

See Campus map here


To register for the pre-conference workshop and the conference, you will need to:

  1. Pay your total registration amount via PayPal here
    (If you want to pay by bank transfer instead, you will need to send a request via the registration form below under step 2.)
  2. Register for the conference here
  3. Follow information updates on pre-conference day and conference days here

War in Ukraine

We follow the war in Ukraine carefully from day to day and will inform you if any changes need to be made to the conference due to this situation.

COVID-19 restrictions

follow Greece’s official COVID-19 travel information here.

We will also follow the COVID-19 situation from day to day and will inform you as soon as possible if we find that any restrictions are needed during the conference.

A sample of confirmed session topics:

  • Establishing a New Ombuds Office: Tips from Recent Experiences and an analysis of the historical development of the profession
  • Ombuds and Whistleblowing: The Role of Ombuds in Relation to Serious Violations of Law, Policy, and Ethics
  • Ombuds values in a changing world
  • Dealing with Student Issues Nationally and Regionally
  • Courage to Act: A Canadian Initiative/Global Inspiration to end Gender Based Violence on Campus
  • Impact of COVID-19 measures on digital services in higher education: Improvement of inclusiveness?
  • The Role of Ombudsperson in Preventing Dropout and Ensuring Students’ Inclusion in Higher Education
  • Birds of a Feather Flock Together: About Existing and Emerging Ombuds Networks
  • Creating Space for Inclusive Dialogues: The Ombuds as a Catalyst for Honoring the Value of Belonging on Campus
  • Looking after ourselves: when the student/client/visitor turns against us
  • Ombuds as Agents for Change

12 January 2022

Call for Papers – deadline 25 February

Regarding the 17th annual ENOHE conference 8-10 June 2022 in Athens, GreeceStudents’ Rights and Ombuds’ Values: Ensuring Inclusion in Higher Education

The Conference Planning Committee of the conference in 2022 is now calling for presentations (including papers, workshops and roundtables).

You should submit your session proposal through this online form.

We suggest that you have prepared this, before you fill out the form:

  • Session title
  • Abstract (max. 250 words)
  • Room layout
  • For each speaker: Name, country, email, CV (max. 100 words), and photo

The deadline for proposals is 25 February 2022.

If you have questions about your proposal, the session proposal form etc.,

please feel free to contact us on conference2022@enohe.net.

16 December 2021

Save-the-date: 17th annual ENOHE conference

ENOHE is planning to hold its 17th  annual conference, this time in person, in Athens, Greece on 8-10 June 2022.

There you will again have opportunities to learn, share, network, and develop skills and knowledge about the practice of ombudsing. It will also be a unique chance to meet old colleagues and new friends.


The title for the 2022 conference is: “Students’ Rights and Ombuds’ Values: Ensuring Inclusion in Higher Education”

The conference will offer two pre-conference seminars, four keynote speeches and several sessions with a broad variety of sub-topics and lots of opportunities for socialising during the breaks, and a gala dinner on the evening of the last conference day included .

In early January the call for papers will be open. The expected deadline for submitting proposals will be late February and the final programme will go on-line in mid-March 2022.

We will be pleased to receive your proposals after the call for proposals is out and consider them for the final program. We want to make this conference empowering for everyone and memorable in our daily work practices.

If you are interested in learning more about ENOHE, exploring opportunities to contribute to the 2022 conference or if you need additional information to support you in your decision to attend the conference, please feel free to contact us on conference2022@enohe.net.