Webinar: Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT and Ombuds Offices: Overhyped or Overlooked?

Join us on 21 June 2024 1400-1600 pm CEST!

In its series of online events for members and non-members and as part of its annual working program, ENOHE is offering a special interactive (Q/A) webinar on AI and ChatGPT and ombuds offices.

This webinar will deal with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT and its effects on Higher Education in general. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-powered chatbot that is currently revolutionizing (not only) the world of learning. The need of the day is mitigating the risks, and are appropriate procedures for texts, exams, and scientific papers. The concrete background is

the likelihood that developments in AI will (and are already) significantly alter(ing) how students and academic’s work. This webinar is about awareness raising on these topics.

More and more higher education institutions (HEIs) have already started to implement policies regarding AI use. Many of them have clear regulations (and consequences) set out on academic misconduct, the use of unauthorized materials, falsification, and plagiarism through AI. Students should complete their own original work, document sources properly, collaborate properly, and

avoid misinterpretations. Divergent practices, scientific discourses, and text comprehension can only be adequately addressed in specialist HEI communities.

The discussion on how to deal with ChatGPT is not complete without the valuable insights and experiences of ombudspersons. There is a need for regulatory clarity on the issues involved so that its various challenges can be tackled, and HEI administrators and academics and also ombudspersons, are learning new skills to effectively and safely use and control new technologies.

The invited speakers will discuss AI generally and its effects on the campus specifically. They will also focus on AI policies and their implementation. The participants will be student/campus ombudspersons dealing with the students’ grievances/issues related (also) to AI, bringing in their personal experiences during a Q&A online discussion.


Ursula Meiser, ENOHE Vice President, Welcome

Josef Leidenfrost, ENOHE Immediate Past President, Chair and introduction


László Csaba Dégi, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Our speakers and their topics:

Tomaš Foltýnek, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic: Ethical Challenges of Generative AI in Academia

Peter Lieberzeit, University of Vienna, Austria: Challenges of AI in Academic Life: The Example of the University of Vienna

Christian Crytes, Université Laval Quebec, Canada: AI and Technology for a Proactive Ombudsman: Towards Person Centred Justice

Birgit Phillips, University of Applied Sciences Joanneum, Graz, Austria: AI’s Impact on Exams and Student Competencies

Tamara Kamatovic, Central European University, Vienna, Astria: AI inn the Classroom: Enhanced Learning and Addressing Concerns


Participation for ENOHE members is free.  Participation for non-members costs € 50.

For signing up please write to us via the contact form with your name, institution, position, contact details and indicating if you are an ENOHE member or not. You will be contacted by the Secretariat accordingly.

Zoom link will be sent out to participants as soon as possible after you registration.