Since 2018, with the implementation of the European Union General Data Protection Regulations, Higher Education Institutions have had to adapt their policies in order to handle individual data in accordance with the regulations. Moreover, a key-point of Ombuds work is the guarantee of confidentiality and data safety for the people who contact our offices.
Raising awareness regarding this matter strengthens institutions and contributes to the Sustainable Development Goal 16 of United Nations.
With this in mind, the Student Ombuds Office (SOO) at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) together with the Pro-rectorate for Digital Transition and the Data Protection Officer designed, developed and implemented a software programme with the following aims:
The data is stored in a structured way in order to facilitate analysis of the enquiries received by the SOO. It should be possible to enter a request into the application and store it in a database, as well as to modify and view these enquiries.
For Data Analytics purposes, it is possible to export quantitative data in a standardised format, to enable subsequent analysis. In addition, the application should generate a well-structured PDF file with the analyses created. The graphs created by the application can also be exported for use on other platforms.
In this case study, the speakers will explore the needs for such software, the process of its development and the benefits received it.
Ryan Smith, ENOHE Board member
Josef Leidenfrost, ENOHE Presidential Advisor
Our speakers:
Afonso Gomes, University of Beira Interior
Miguel Manteigueiro, University of Beira Interior
Pedro Inácio, University of Beira Interior
Participation for ENOHE members is free.
Participation for non-members costs € 50.
Sign up here:
As ENOHE member (if you have already paid your membership fee for 2023) you just fill out the registration form.
As non-member, first you transfer € 50 by PayPal.
(Please also add your full name and email address to the PayPal transfer.)
Then you fill out the registration form.
Zoom link will be sent out to participants at least one week before the webinar.