General Assembly 13th of October at 4 pm CET

ENOHE’s General Assembly 2020 will take place online Tuesday 13th of October at 4 pm CET.

The agenda will be:

  1. Elect chair of General Assembly
  2. Elect person writing minutes of General Assembly
  3. Approve minutes from General Assembly 2019
    (See appendix 3.1 here)
  4. Approve reports regarding fiscal years 2019 and 2020
  5. Approve amendments to statutes
    (See appendix 5.1 here and see appendix 5.2 here)
  6. Approve generic election Q&A document
    (See appendix 6.1 here)
  7. Applications and petitions from members
  8. Strategic Plan 2021-2023
  9. Conference 2021 and 2022
  10. Any Other Business

Write to the ENOHE secretariat for more information on how to participate here.