Since its beginnings, ENOHE has been a forum for members to make meaningful connections with their counterparts from different countries.
The annual conference and presentations have been very informative, but informal conversations during coffee breaks and over lunch, before conference presentations and after a day’s programme have been a cherished feature of ENOHE gatherings.
How to meet our counterparts when we cannot gather in person?
A team of ENOHE members will host an informal meet-up for ENOHE members to connect and reconnect with colleagues. Join us to share your experience and ask others about theirs.
29 April 2021
1600 CEST
75 minutes
Think about topics you would like to discuss. If you think of a topic, please send it to the ENOHE secretariat. All of the submissions will be revealed at the beginning of the meet-up. Together we will choose the topics to discuss in small groups.
To register, email the ENOHE secretariat.