Talks on the Ombuds idea in Bratislava

Mid-November, President of ENOHE and Ombuds for Students in the Austrian Ministry of Science Josef Leidenfrost visited the Slovak Parliament in Bratislava, the capital of the Slovak Republic.

Josef Leidenfrost visited the Slovak Parliament on the initiative of Andrej Stančik, member of the Narodna Rada Slovenskej Republiky (the Slovak National Parliament) and representative and member of the OLANO party (Ordinary People and Independent Personalities).

The topics of discussion were the previous European and Austrian experiences with:

  • Ombuds institutions at universities
  • their institutional anchoring
  • their effectiveness as well as their working methods including public relations

Funding and interaction with other state complaints institutions were also discussed.

The visit was also a prelude to further contacts on the topics above, in possible preparation of a corresponding legislative proposal for the establishment of higher education Ombuds institutions in Slovakia, based on international experience.

Picture: Austrian Student Ombuds, Vienna