ENOHE 2023 Goes to Prague

After ENOHE’s initial informal contacts with the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports and the Charles University (CU) in Prague during the past six months, it is now confirmed: ENOHE 2023 goes to Prague.

The 18th annual conference of the European Network of Ombuds in Higher Education will take place in the Czech capital from 14 to 16 June 2023, with the Czech higher education ministry and the emerging Czech National Network of University Ombuds Offices as strategic partners.

A Save-the-Date message has gone out and the call for conference session proposals will follow soon.

The Conference Planning Committee has recently decided also on the general conference topic:

“From Amsterdam 2003 to Prague 2023.
Higher Education Ombuds Offices: Reviewing! Reforming! (Re)Starting?”

The Rector of the Charles University, Milena Králíčková, and ENOHE President Josef Leidenfrost both expressed their appreciation of this joint event and the endeavors to promote the ombuds figure in the Czech higher education system relating thereto. ENOHE Vice President Jean Grier: “It will be a great conference.”

The conference will include a mixture of plenary sessions with renowned keynote speakers, thematic sessions, and roundtables on most current issues in the world of complaint management and conflict resolution in higher education plus a social program.

The Charles University Prague is the oldest university in Central Europe, founded by Emperor Charles IV in 1348. It has almost 50.000 students, some 9.000 from abroad, and some 9.000 employees at 17 faculties. Right now, in fall 2022, the selection process for CU’s first ombudsperson is in progress.

For further information on the ENOHE 2023 conference, please contact conference2023@enohe.net.