ENOHE held its first webinar during the current academic year in early June 2020. Participants were invited to an online conversation to consider the effects of COVID-19 on their institutions and on their work as ombudspersons.
As higher education worldwide faces unprecedented and disruptive changes and every institution of higher learning is impacted, the ENOHE Board decided earlier this year, upon the initiatve of our Vice President Jean Grier, to organize a special on-line event. This was done not only because of the cancellation of ENOHE’s annual conference in Athens, Greece due to force majeur but also to enable our constituencies to exchange information on the current challenges.
After short presentations from four distinguished speakers from four different countries – Mexico, Spain, Germany and Poland – participants had the opportunity to discuss what is happening at their respective institutions, especially on how the current situation affects our roles and work as ombudspersons directly or indirectly. The speakers and discussants also looked into questions like „What do we struggle with?“ and „What new approaches have we developed for our work?“.
This ENOHE forum was for sharing and comparing our experiences. It gave us opportunities to learn from, network with and generate ideas from among our colleagues. In addition to ENOHE members from across Europe, we welcomed participants from Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Canada and the USA.
An “Occasional Paper” on the webinar will be coming up soon.
You can download the slides from the presentation here:
If you missed it, you can watch the webinar here: