ENOHE Occasional Paper 14 now available

The ENOHE webinar on COVID-19 concerns part II, “A New Year, A New (ab)normal: Adopting to COVID-19 in the New Academic Year” was held on 10 December 2020 with 75 participants from three continents.

Four speakers from four different countries – Greece, Canada, Romania and United Kingdom –  gave presentations on the effects of COVID-19 on their work as an Ombuds, and on how their institutions are adapting to ‘the new [ab]normal’.

The presentations and field reports are now published in the Occasional Paper 14 and are available for download below.

The webinar is also available as a podcast here.

More webinars in 2021

ENOHE will organize more webinars during the course of 2021 on “How to set up an Ombuds Office” in spring 2021 and “(Social) Media and Ombuds Work: Friends or Foes?” In fall 2021. For more information check this website or sign up for our mailing list here!