Next: 20th Annual Conference

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19th Annual Conference: Covilhã 2024

Read more here.

18th Annual Conference: Prague 2023

Read more here.

17th Annual Conference: Athens 2022

Read more here.

16th Annual Conference: Virtual conference 2021

Conference theme:
“Looking Forward: The Role of the Ombuds in Post-COVID Recovery”

Read more here.

15th Annual Conference: León 2019

Conference theme:
“Defending and Protecting Rights within Higher Education: Stocktaking, Looking Ahead.”

Read the León declaration here.

14th Annual Conference: Edinburgh 2018

Conference theme:
“Resolving Conflicts on Campus: Strategies for Enhanced Policies and Effective Operations.”

13th Annual Conference: Strasbourg 2017

Conference theme:
“Higher Education Ombudsmen as Beacons: To- wards a Fair and Transparent European Higher Education Area.”

ENOHE Webinar: 2016

Find the program, video presentations and slides here.

12th Annual Conference: Innsbruck 2015

Conference theme:
“30 years of solitude? University Ombudsmen’s Pioneering Past, Confident Present, Challenging Future.”

11th Annual Conference: Warsaw 2014

Conference theme:
“Higher Education Ombudsmen and Empowerment: how to make it work. ” 

10th Annual Conference: Oxford 2013

Conference theme:
“Rising Tuition Costs, Rising Complaints: Alternative Approaches to Dispute Resolution.”

9th Annual Conference: Madrid 2011

8th Annual Conference: Vienna 2010

7th Annual Conference: Hamburg 2009

Conference theme:
“Lost in Transition? Defining the Role of Ombudsmen in the Developing Bologna World”

6th Annual Conference: London 2008

Conference theme:
“Universities, Students and Justice”

5th Annual Conference: Antwerp 2007

Conference theme:
“The Ombudsman in Higher Education: counselor, student advocate, watchdog?”

4th Annual Conference: Zurich 2006

Conference theme:
“The Ombudsman’s Role in Avoiding and Solving upcoming Problems and Conflicts  in  Institutions of Higher Education”

3rd Annual Conference: Vienna 2005

2nd Annual Conference: Madrid 2004

1st Annual Conference: Amsterdam 2003